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Carbon neutral deliveries!
Carbon neutral deliveries!
The amount of carbon released into the atmosphere for the delivery of each package is calculated and the CO2 is offset through donations towards The Acapa – Bajo Mira y Frontera Forest Conservation Project in Colombia. This comes at no extra cost to customers!
Blog posts

How To Recycle Soft Plastics
Maybe you have noticed soft plastic recycling bins at the supermarket and have been interested in taking part but not quite sure how it works? Hopefully by reading this, you will learn what you can recycle, how to collect it and what is done with it once you’ve put it in the collection.

How to rewild your garden
Did you know that the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world? This is due to many factors such as intensive farming, habitat loss, pollution, increased urbanisation, insecticides, fertilisers and climate change. According to the WWF, 40% of our native species are in decline and 1 in 7 are facing extinction.

Things that you didn't know can (and can't) be recycled!
A list of common items that you may not know can be recycled and some that shouldn't be. 55% of households misplace items that should be recycled into their general waste and 85% of households contaminate their recycling with items that cannot be recycled.