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About us

Green Skye is a small online eco shop run in the countryside, a few miles from the Suffolk coast. A deep love of nature and a desire to preserve and restore it has lead to the creation of the shop. As a young person who has grown up beneath the shadow of the treat of climate change, I have a deep desire to do my part by making eco-friendly alternatives more readily available to anyone else with an ambition to make a change and reduce their carbon emissions. 

My aim for Green Skye is to provide affordable and eco friendly alternatives to everyday products which often have a negative impact on the environment. I want to provide a place online where people who are looking to do a bit of good for the world can find a range of products that they trust and know can help them to live more sustainably.

TTDA - Dunwich Beach - Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB

I take great care in assuring that each product available on Green Skye comes from manufacturers who source all of their products ethically both in terms of the environment and the people who produce them. Most manufactures whose products I sell have a carbon neutral supply chain or donate to environmental causes and all have a deep passion for providing high quality products which are good for the planet.

Green Skye carbon offsets all deliveries. Carbon neutral deliveries are assured through an algorithm based on peer reviewed studies which calculates the amount of C02 released into the atmosphere for each individual parcel delivered and offsets it through donations towards charities in South America working to preserve the rainforests. 


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